About AHAC

Americans Helping Asian Children was founded in 1993 by good friends Dr. R.B. Johnson, physician; Trieu Bang, businessman; and Bill Dolan, businessman, AHAC is a non-profit , 501 (c) (3) tax- exempt charity organization, founded and supported by volunteers from America and Asia.

AHAC is dedicated to providing services and equipment for children in Asian countries who are underprivileged by virtue of physical or mental disability, poverty or absence of family.

The staff of the AHAC foundation are all volunteers that donate our time and personal funds to the success of this charity foundation.

Since we have no salaried staff, pay no rent, own no equipment or vehicles, success means that 95% of all donations go directly to the aid of those in need.

AHAC volunteers all have full time jobs, businesses, professions, and we do not receive any compensation from the donations made by our donors to this truly non-profit charity foundation.


R.B. Johnson, MD-President
Simone Whitesell, Vice President
Vina Galetto, Secretary
Hop Duong, Treasurer


R. Bruce Johnson, MD
David Woodruff, Au.D.
Khoa Nguyen, DC
Mercedes Farrell
Sac Nguyen
Thuy Truong
Tom Trieu
Simone Whitesell
Vincent Bang, Chairman


Bill Dolan
Bang Trieu


Lan Nguyen-Huu


KISS Program – Mercedes Farrell
Hearing Program – David Woodruff, Au.D.
Water and Bridges Program – Bang Trieu
Bicycle Program – Simone Whitesell
Special Projects – Board Members.