Our Mission

To provide services and equipment for children in Asian countries who are underprivileged by virtue of physical or mental disability, poverty or absence of family.

AHAC Volunteers do more than just donate our time, skills, and money to help the children. We also give true heartfelt Love and Affection to them. All children need attention and affection. Our volunteers will tell you that the love we receive back from the kids is something we will never forget and we can keep forever!

Our Volunteers and staff encounter many heartbreaking situations in Vietnam. It is not unusual for us to “adopt” or sponsor children and adults using our own funds. 

In this case, Tom Hoang, one of our staff Volunteers, “adopted” an entire family of 5 children including the father after he found out the mother had recently been killed by lightning.

In this part of the world it takes both parents to do enough just to provide food daily. Tom also provided them with a Thatch Roof Home and a small SamPan!

AHAC. People loving and helping other people. Join us today and share the joy of helping others in need.

Our volunteers often travel to some very remote villages in Vietnam and Cambodia to help children and others, even if the means of travel is a hardship for us.

AHAC volunteers have no limitations as to age or profession. No matter if we are children, students, nuns, teachers, doctors, scientists, housewives, engineers, technicians, nurses, business owners, etc. All AHAC Volunteers have one goal which is to help the underprivileged children.